* This file is part of the Companion project
* Copyright (c) 2018 Bitfocus AS
* Authors: William Viker <william@bitfocus.io>, Håkon Nessjøen <haakon@bitfocus.io>
* This program is free software.
* You should have received a copy of the MIT licence as well as the Bitfocus
* Individual Contributor License Agreement for companion along with
* this program.
* You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
* a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you
* develop commercial activities involving the Companion software without
* disclosing the source code of your own applications.
const debug = require('debug')('lib/Bank/ActionController');
const CoreBase = require('../Core/Base');
const BankActionItems = require('./ActionItems');
* Class used by the {@link BankController} to manage and allow execution of actions
* @extends CoreBase
* @author Håkon Nessjøen <haakon@bitfocus.io>
* @author Keith Rocheck <keith.rocheck@gmail.com>
* @author William Viker <william@bitfocus.io>
* @since 1.0.4
class BankActionController extends CoreBase {
/** @type {string[]} */
static pageStyles = ['pageup','pagenum','pagedown'];
/** @type {BankActionItems} */
/** @type {Set} */
/** @type {Object.<string, number>} */
/** @type {BankActionDefinition[]} */
/** @type {Object.<string, string>} */
/** @type {BankActionItems} */
/** @type {Map} */
constructor(registry) {
super(registry, 'action');
this.actions = new BankActionItems(registry, this, 'action', 'bank_actions');
this.releaseActions = new BankActionItems(registry, this, 'release_action', 'bank_release_actions');
this.definitions = {};
this.bankStatus = {};
this.actionsRunning = [];
this.timersRunning = [];
// skipNext needed for 'bank_pressed' callback
this.skipNext = {};
// Permanent //
this.system.on('action_delayed_abort', this.abortDelayedActions.bind(this));
this.system.on('action_run', this.runAction.bind(this));
this.system.on('bank_pressed', this.bankPressed.bind(this));
this.system.on('instance_actions', this.setInstanceDefinitions.bind(this));
this.system.on('actions_for_instance', (id, cb) => {
if (cb !== undefined && typeof cb == 'function') {
this.system.on('release_actions_for_instance', (id, cb) => {
if (cb !== undefined && typeof cb == 'function') {
// Temporary //
this.system.on('instance_delete', this.deleteInstance.bind(this));
this.system.on('instance_status_set', this.checkInstanceStatus.bind(this));
abortDelayedActions() {
debug("Aborting delayed actions");
while(this.timersRunning.length > 0) {
debug("clearing timer");
clearTimeout( this.timersRunning.shift() );
let actionsRunning = this.actionsRunning.slice(0); //clone hack
this.actionsRunning = []; // clear the array
for (let bid in actionsRunning) {
let a = actionsRunning[bid].split("_");
this.graphics().invalidateBank(a[0], a[1]);
bankPressed(page, bank, direction, deviceid) {
let bankConfig = this.bank().getBank(page, bank);
if (bankConfig.latch) {
let pb = page + "_" + bank;
if (deviceid == undefined) {
// web buttons and osc don't set deviceid
deviceid = "osc-web";
if (this.skipNext[pb] != undefined) {
// ignore release after latching press
// from this device
if (this.skipNext[pb] == deviceid) {
delete this.skipNext[pb]; // reduce memory creep
let reject = false;
this.system.emit('graphics_is_pushed', page, bank, function (pushed) {
let isPushed = (1 == pushed? true : false);
// button is being pressed but not yet latched
// the next button-release from this device needs to be skipped
// because the 'release' would immediately un-latch the button
if (direction && !isPushed) {
this.skipNext[pb] = deviceid;
} else if (direction && pushed) {
// button is latched, prevent duplicate down actions
// the following 'release' will run the up actions
reject = true;
} else if (!(direction || pushed)) {
// button is up, prevent duplicate up actions
reject = true;
if (reject) {
//debug("Latch button duplicate " + (direction? "down":"up") )
// magic page keys only respond to push so ignore the release
// they also don't have a 'pushed' graphics indication
// so process the action and return before trying to
// indicate 'pushed'. Otherwise when the 'unpush' graphics
// occurs, it will re-draw the old button on the new (wrong) page
if (BankActionController.pageStyles.includes(bankConfig.style)) {
if (direction === true) {
if (bankConfig.style == 'pageup') {
this.system.emit('device_page_up', deviceid);
else if (bankConfig.style == 'pagenum') {
this.system.emit('device_page_set', deviceid, 1);
else if (bankConfig.style == 'pagedown') {
this.system.emit('device_page_down', deviceid);
// no actions allowed on page buttons so we're done
this.system.emit('graphics_indicate_push', page, bank, direction, deviceid);
let obj;
// find release actions if the direction is up
if (direction === false) {
obj = this.releaseActions.getBank(page, bank);
else {
obj = this.actions.getBank(page, bank)
if (obj === undefined || obj.length === 0) {
debug('found actions');
// Handle whether the delays are absolute or relative.
let actionDelay = 0;
for (let n in obj) {
let a = obj[n];
let thisDelay = parseInt(a.delay === undefined || a.delay === '' ? 0 : a.delay);
if (bankConfig.relative_delay) {
// Relative delay: each action's delay adds to the next.
actionDelay += thisDelay;
} else {
// Absolute delay: each delay is its own.
actionDelay = thisDelay;
// Create the property .effectiveDelay. Don't change the user's .delay property.
a.effectiveDelay = actionDelay;
let maxtime = 0;
let maxidx = -1;
for (let n in obj) {
let a = obj[n];
if (a.effectiveDelay !== undefined && parseInt(a.effectiveDelay) > maxtime) {
maxtime = parseInt(a.effectiveDelay);
maxidx = n;
// Start timer-indication
if (maxtime > 0) {
this.actionsRunning.push(page + '_' + bank);
let hasDelayed = false;
for (let n in obj) {
let a = obj[n];
let delay = parseInt(a.effectiveDelay === undefined ? 0 : a.effectiveDelay);
delete a.effectiveDelay;
debug("Running action", a);
if (this.instance().isInstanceEnabled(a.instance)) {
// is this a timedelayed action?
if (delay > 0) {
hasDelayed = true;
(function(action, delayTime, n) {
let timer = setTimeout(function() {
this.runAction(action, { deviceid: deviceid, page: page, bank: bank });
// Stop timer-indication
if (maxtime > 0 && maxidx == n) {
let idx;
if ((idx = this.actionsRunning.indexOf(page + '_' + bank)) !== -1) {
this.actionsRunning.splice(idx, 1);
this.graphics().invalidateBank(page, bank);
// Remove mythis from running timers
let idx = this.timersRunning.indexOf(timer);
if (idx !== -1) {
this.timersRunning.splice(idx, 1);
}, delayTime);
})(a, delay, n);
// or is it immediate
else {
this.runAction(a, { deviceid: deviceid, page: page, bank: bank });
else {
debug("not running action for disabled instance");
if (hasDelayed) {
this.graphics().invalidateBank(page, bank);
checkBanks(pageBankArray) {
if (pageBankArray.length > 0) {
for(let s in pageBankArray) {
let bp = s.split('_');
this.checkBankStatus(bp[0], bp[1]);
checkBankStatus(page, bank, invalidate = true) {
let status = 0;
status = this.actions.checkBankStatus(page, bank, status);
status = this.releaseActions.checkBankStatus(page, bank, status);
if (status != this.bankStatus[page + '_' + bank]) {
this.bankStatus[page + '_' + bank] = status;
if (invalidate === true) {
this.graphics().invalidateBank(page, bank);
checkInstanceStatus(instance, level, msg) {
let checkQueue = [];
checkQueue = this.actions.checkInstanceStatus(instance, checkQueue);
checkQueue = this.releaseActions.checkInstanceStatus(instance, checkQueue);
clientConnect(client) {
client.on('get_actions', () => {
client.emit('actions', this.getUiDefinitions());
client.on('bank_update_action_delay', this.actions.updateItemDelay.bind(this.actions));
client.on('bank_update_action_option', this.actions.updateItemOption.bind(this.actions));
client.on('bank_update_action_option_order', this.actions.updateItemOrder.bind(this.actions));
client.on('bank_action_add', this.actions.addItemByClient.bind( this.actions, client, 'bank_actions_get:result'));
client.on('bank_action_delete', this.actions.deleteItemByClient.bind( this.actions, client, 'bank_actions_get:result'));
client.on('bank_actions_get', this.actions.getBankByClient.bind( this.actions, client, 'bank_actions_get:result'));
client.on('bank_update_release_action_delay', this.releaseActions.updateItemDelay.bind(this.releaseActions));
client.on('bank_release_action_update_option', this.releaseActions.updateItemOption.bind(this.releaseActions));
client.on('bank_release_action_update_option_order', this.releaseActions.updateItemOrder.bind(this.releaseActions));
client.on('bank_addReleaseAction', this.releaseActions.addItemByClient.bind( this.releaseActions, client, 'bank_release_actions_get:result'));
client.on('bank_release_action_delete', this.releaseActions.deleteItemByClient.bind( this.releaseActions, client, 'bank_release_actions_get:result'));
client.on('bank_release_actions_get', this.releaseActions.getBankByClient.bind( this.releaseActions, client, 'bank_release_actions_get:result'));
deleteInstance(id) {
delete this.definitions[id];
let checkQueue = [];
checkQueue = this.actions.deleteInstance(id, checkQueue);
checkQueue = this.releaseActions.deleteInstance(id, checkQueue);
getActions(clone = false) {
getBankActions(page, bank, clone = false) {
return this.actions.getBank(page, bank, clone);
getBankStatus(page, bank) {
this.bankStatus[page + '_' + bank];
getBankReleaseActions(page, bank, clone = false) {
return this.releaseActions.getBank(page, bank, clone);
getInstanceActions(instanceId) {
getInstanceReleaseActions(instanceId) {
getReleaseActions(clone = false) {
getRunningActions(page, bank) {
return (this.actionsRunning.indexOf(page + '_' + bank) !== -1);
getUiDefinitions() { //for UI backwards compatibility
let out = [];
for (let n in this.definitions) {
let a = this.definitions[n];
out[id+':'+n] = a;
return out;
importBank(page, bank, actions, releaseActions) {
this.actions.importBank(page, bank, actions);
this.releaseActions.importBank(page, bank, releaseActions);
this.checkBankStatus(page, bank, false);
resetBank(page, bank) {
this.actions.resetBank(page, bank);
this.releaseActions.resetBank(page, bank);
runAction(action, extras) {
if (action !== undefiend && action.instance !== undefined && this.definitions[action.instance]) {
let instance = this.instance().getInstance(action.instance);
if (instance !== undefined) {
const definition = this.definitions[action.instance][action.type];
action.action = action.type; // backwards compatibility
try {
// Ask instance to execute action
if (definition !== undefined && definition.callback !== undefined && typeof definition.callback == 'function') {
definition.callback(action, extras);
} else if (typeof instance.action == 'function') {
instance.action(action, extras);
} else {
debug('ERROR: instance does not have an action() function:', instance);
catch(e) {
this.registry.log.add('instance('+instance.label+')', 'warn', 'Error executing action: ' + e.message);
saveActions() {
saveReleaseActions() {
setInstanceDefinitions(id, actions) {
this.definitions[id] = actions;
subscribeBank(page, bank) {
this.actions.subscribeBank(page, bank);
this.releaseActions.subscribeBank(page, bank);
unsubscribeBank(page, bank) {
this.actions.unsubscribeBank(page, bank);
this.releaseActions.unsubscribeBank(page, bank);
updateDefinitions() {
debug('actions_update:', this.definitions);
this.io().emit('actions', this.getUiDefinitions());
exports = module.exports = BankActionController;