 * This file is part of the Companion project
 * Copyright (c) 2018 Bitfocus AS
 * Authors: William Viker <william@bitfocus.io>, Håkon Nessjøen <haakon@bitfocus.io>
 * This program is free software.
 * You should have received a copy of the MIT licence as well as the Bitfocus
 * Individual Contributor License Agreement for companion along with
 * this program.
 * You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
 * a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you
 * develop commercial activities involving the Companion software without
 * disclosing the source code of your own applications.

if (process.env.DEVELOPER !== undefined) {
	process.env['DEBUG'] = '*,-websocket*,-express*,-engine*,-socket.io*,-send*,-db,-NRC*,-follow-redirects,-electron-timer-fix';

// Fix timers in electron
// require('./electron-timer-fix').fix();

global.MAX_BUTTONS = 32;

var EventEmitter = require('events');
 * The application's event emitter for core functionality which allows for some point to multi-point calls
 * and `skeleton` to `app` functionality.
 * N.B. This is not the same `system` referenced by instances.  See {@link InstanceSystem}.
 * @class System
 * @extends EventEmitter
var system = new EventEmitter();
var fs = require("fs");
var debug = require('debug')('app');
var mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
var stripAnsi = require('strip-ansi');
var logbuffer = [];
var logwriting = false;
var skeleton_info = {};

var config;
var cfgDir;

// Supress warnings for too many listeners to io_connect. This can be safely increased if the warning comes back at startup

system.on('skeleton-info', function(key, val) {
	skeleton_info[key] = val;
	if (key == 'configDir') {
		debug('configuration directory', val);
		cfgDir = val + "/companion/";
		mkdirp(cfgDir, function(err) {
			config = new (require('./lib/Data/Config'))(system, cfgDir, {
				http_port: 8888,
				bind_ip: "",
				start_minimised: false,

system.on('configdir_get', function (cb) {

system.on('skeleton-info-info', function(cb) {

system.on('config_loaded', function(config) {
	system.emit('skeleton-info', 'appURL', 'Waiting for webserver..');
	system.emit('skeleton-info', 'appStatus', 'Starting');
	system.emit('skeleton-info', 'bindInterface', config.bind_ip);
	system.emit('skeleton-info', 'startMinimised', config.start_minimised);

system.on('exit', function() {
	console.log("somewhere, the system wants to exit. kthxbai");

	system.emit('instance_getall', function(instances, active) {
		try {
			for (var key in active) {
				if (instances[key].label !== 'internal') {
					try {
					} catch(e) {
						console.log("Could not destroy",instances[key].label);
		} catch(e) {
			console.log("Could not destroy all instances");


system.on('skeleton-bind-ip', function(ip) {
	config.bind_ip = ip;
	system.emit('config_set', 'bind_ip', ip);

system.on('skeleton-bind-port', function(port) {
	var p = parseInt(port);
	if (p >= 1024 && p <= 65535) {
		config.http_port = p;
		system.emit('config_set', 'http_port', p);

system.on('skeleton-start-minimised', function(minimised) {
	config.start_minimised = minimised;
	system.emit('config_set', 'start_minimised', minimised);

system.on('skeleton-ready', function() {

	if (system.headless === true) {
		debug("Going into headless mode. Logs will be written to companion.log")

		setInterval(function() {

			if (logbuffer.length > 0 && logwriting == false) {
				var writestring = logbuffer.join("\n");
				logbuffer = [];
				logwriting = true;
				fs.appendFile('./companion.log', writestring + "\n", function(err) {
					if (err) {
						console.log("log write error", err);
					logwriting = false;
		}, 1000)

		process.stderr.write = function() {
			var arr = [];
			for (var n in arguments) {
			var line = new Date().toISOString() + " " + stripAnsi(arr.join(" ").trim() );


	debug('launching registry');
	var registry = new (require('./lib/registry'))(system, config);


	system.on('exit', function() {


system.on('skeleton-single-instance-only', function (response) {

exports = module.exports = function(headless) {
	if (headless !== undefined && headless === true) {
		system.headless = true;
	return system;